Friday, January 20, 2012

Ephesians Study

The Schedule is as follows: 

I'll be using the regular SOAP formula for the study-
Scripture - Observation - Application - Prayer

Won't you join me?
It's too late to join the group study- but you are welcome to share thoughts
and insight here at any time - or even ask a question.

The main study originates from Good Morning Girls 
I highly recommend you check there for more information

Monday, November 21, 2011

Proverbs 7 - Apple Of My Eye

S- Scripture
O- Observation
A- Application
P- Prayer

Scripture-   2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.   3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.   4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: 

Observation- This chapter is more of the same warnings to steer clear of fleshly lusts. These verses call out for us to study God's Word, to gain wisdom. The rest of the chapter talks about the destruction which follows the ways of fleshly lust. (clearly defined in this chapter as outside of the marriage bed) 
Application- It states very clearly to keep the commandments and law (for us it is the Bible) close to our hearts - "the apple of thine eye"  to me - means to treasure the Word - spend time in it- to gain wisdom. I need to be in the Word daily in order to walk in wisdom. 
Prayer- "Lord, help me to remember to treasure Your Word, to hold it close to my heart by walking with You daily. Help me to gain the wisdom I need in order to teach my boys to keep You as the apple of their eye so that they can honor You with their lives and follow after wisdom instead of flesh that brings destruction. Thank you for Your faithfulness to Your own!" Amen

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Proverbs 6 - Honesty and Truth Over All

S- Scripture -   
 16 These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 
 17 A proud look, A lying tongue,  Hands that shed innocent blood
 18 A heart that devises wicked plans,  Feet that are swift in running to evil
 19 A false witness who speaks lies And one who sows discord among brethren.

O- Observation -
 It seems that He found Lying worthy of a second mention -
 "lying tongue & false witness who speaks lies" both scream to me "liar liar" -
God HATES it - strong word!

A- Application - 
Avoid lying at all cost. I am someone who values loyalty. To me,
 heart loyalty encompasses "truth telling" - In order to love others
for Him, we need to be Honest - if you are up front and honest in
 your dealings with people, it is showing loyalty - to others, to Him,
and to the truth.
I believe that the rest of this passage is speaking to being truthful as
well - in order to sow discord among brethren, you would need to
 "mix up the truth"- running to evil, would involve dishonesty on many
 levels along with shedding of innocent blood and devising wicked plans.
 Be truthful in all aspects!

P- Prayer -
 "Lord, help me to remember, even in the little things, that it matters
 to You how honest we are. Please continue working in me, that my
 heart may be an open book- honest and loyal to You above all. I desire
to stand for truth.
Thank you for providing a way through Your son Jesus, for my wicked,
 lying heart to be washed clean and to be filled with truth. Help me to
 honor it each day." Amen


Proverbs 5 - The Perils of Adultery

S- Scripture- 21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, 

      And He ponders all his paths. 

O- Observation- The whole chapter speaks about the danger in not using 
wisdom to avoid moral decline (specifically - adultery)  

A- Application -The warning is to "Not hate instruction", but to use it to 
gain wisdom which in turn will keep your path straight 

P- Prayer - "Lord Jesus, I pray that You will soften my heart toward instruction
that I may not "bristle" at correction - but instead see it as opportunity to 
soak up God given knowledge and wisdom. Protect my thoughts, and those
of my sweet husband from any that could lead to adultery so that we may
honor and glorify you in our home and with our lives." 


Friday, November 4, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 4- Prioritize Wisdom

S. O. A. P. :

S- Scripture: 7Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

O- Observation: The common theme is again repeated- God puts a high priority on wisdom! 

A- Application: Wisdom is gained by staying in the Word, continuing to do what is right - staying on the right path - Wisdom begets Wisdom! I do that by walking with Jesus daily - He will be my guide! 

P- Prayer: Lord God, I pray that You will help me  to "23Keep thy (my) heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." I know that I will not turn to the right or to the left (away from You and Your ways) I know that I will NOT stray from the path IF I only keep my heart and my eyes on You. Thank you Lord Jesus for Your guidance - thank you for Your wisdom. Not my will Lord, but Yours. Amen 

You will make Your path clear to me! 

Proverbs Chapter 3- Focus on Him

S. O. A. P.

S - Scripture 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

O- Observation: As long as I keep my focus on Him - I don't have to worry "He shall direct"

A- Application: The only way for me to keep my focus on Him is to stay in the Word!

P- Prayer: Thank you Lord for your protection and guidance! I don't have to worry, I don't have to know absolutely everything, because by keeping my focus on You I will gain Your wisdom and You will guide me! You take such good care of Your children. I know I couldn't have a better guide! Help me to keep You close to my heart so that I can see clearly your path.  Amen.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 2- It's The Seeking That Counts Most

format for this online journal through Proverbs:

S- Scripture
O- Observation
P- Prayer

1. Scripture- 5Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.
               God is promising us that if we seek to gain His wisdom- He will give it

2.Observation-  He loves us so much He really takes the time to spell everything out for us. Verses 1-4 are telling us to listen up, to hide His Word in our hearts, to care about what He wants for us and ask Him for guidance- that it is available for us. If we want to choose righteousness, He will lead us through it-  

3. Application - So many times the obvious is right in front of me. I need to specifically ask for His wisdom and He says clearly that He'll provide it! Repeatedly throughout scripture I'm reminded of this- "Ask and you shall receive" God loved Solomon so much simply because his main request from the Lord was wisdom- God actually respects it - He rewarded Solomon for it - and here, we are reminded again that it is available to us if we simply ask. 

4. Prayer- Lord, I pray that You will grant me wisdom in my day to day life. So many times I think to ask for wisdom during times of making the big decisions- yet, I need to be applying Your wisdom to my everyday life. This is the way (the only way) I can possibly walk in righteousness- and lead my children on the path of knowledge and understanding. Thank You God for Your faithfulness, Your loving grace, and Your wisdom!