S- Scripture- 21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD,
And He ponders all his paths.
O- Observation- The whole chapter speaks about the danger in not using
wisdom to avoid moral decline (specifically - adultery)
A- Application -The warning is to "Not hate instruction", but to use it to
gain wisdom which in turn will keep your path straight
P- Prayer - "Lord Jesus, I pray that You will soften my heart toward instruction
that I may not "bristle" at correction - but instead see it as opportunity to
soak up God given knowledge and wisdom. Protect my thoughts, and those
of my sweet husband from any that could lead to adultery so that we may
honor and glorify you in our home and with our lives."
that I may not "bristle" at correction - but instead see it as opportunity to
soak up God given knowledge and wisdom. Protect my thoughts, and those
of my sweet husband from any that could lead to adultery so that we may
honor and glorify you in our home and with our lives."
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