It's been a long hot sticky summer.
We are an outdoor kind of family, but living in Southwest Florida
can be extreme as far as heat goes!
Especially during the midday hours,
you are likely to find us safely out of the sun
and sitting in our nice air conditioned home.
There's no need for makeup. By the time you make it
from the front door to the blazing hot mini-van
it's all running down your face anyway!
I often think about the people who came to this
place before us.
Long before us. The pioneers to Florida were a hardy bunch.
The Calusa indians who roamed the area and fished
these waters long before them were a hardy bunch.
We love camping.
We had an opportunity to explore and camp
in a part of Florida that we hadn't spent much time in
about this time last year.
It was hot.
But, we did have electricity,
and we did have our fans.
We walked in the woods and explored the area.
We talked about the people who lived there before.
We discussed the life of the early settlers and of the true
Florida natives before them.
The heat was sweltering.
And then we came upon an oasis!
It was one of the most beautiful natural springs I have ever
laid my eyes on.
The water was perfectly clear and the sky reflected
in it was bright blue.
And, it was cool.
Just sticking your feet in the crystal clear
cool waters of the spring can
cool off your whole body.
God's Word is like that spring.
It is one of His gifts to us and it is a
life giving oasis where we can
rest and replentish ourselves.
It's an amazing thing -
how just dipping into the Word
can refresh us and make us
whole again!
He is our Living Water
have you been renewed today?
He is my oasis!
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