Monday, July 18, 2011

Genesis- B90days

I am participating in a "blogging through the Bible" program -
Reading the Bible through in 90 days! aka- B90days

 I am on track with my reading. It has been terrific to share deeper insight with my children
 (mostly the 10 yr old) from "classic" Bible stories we've read and talked about -
AND our pastor preached from Genesis 11 this weekend- it was terrific to glean even MORE
from what I'd been reading.
- he spoke about how Abrams father Terah allowed his personal heartbreak to get in the way of following through with God's plan. (if you remember - he lost is "baby" boy Haran - whose name comes from "mountain" and then set off for the promised land of Cannan- but stopped in a PLACE called Haran & just didn't go on) Very interesting stuff!

The point being to "walk on" - to find a way through, over, or around whatever mountains life puts in your way & God will bless your actions in following through with His will. Don't "set up camp" and wallow in your sorrow (even if it seems impossible to overcome)

I had never gotten all that before- it stems from the similarity in the names of Terah's son & the place they came to where Terah set up camp and stayed. (they were translated differently from the original names - but with the "mistaken" translation the names are exactly the same- Haran/ Haran - from an emotional perspective - the loss of his son was so great that Terah never "got past it" he literally and emotionally "set up camp" and didn't overcome that "mountain" in his life.

The blessings of the Nation of Abraham - quite possibly would have started (and sort of did) with Terah - if only he had completely followed through with God's plan!

I know that I have (many times) allowed loss or pain to side-track me from where God wants me. I don't want to miss any of what He has for me - ever again!

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