Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 1- Foolishness

format for this online journal through Proverbs:

S- Scripture
O- Observation
P- Prayer

1 Scripture- choosing just one main scripture is difficult for me but the one that stands out the most is-

28 “Then they will call to me but I will not answer; 
   they will look for me but will not find me,  

2 Observation-  Pretty powerful words throughout this passage-
 first of all you have the purpose of the scripture explained out in vivid detail 
"for gaining wisdom and instruction- so you can do what is right and just and fair- and this wisdom begins with respect for the Lord" 

secondly you have a clear warning- 
"don't give in to the temptations of sinful men - ill gotten gain always leads to death" 

third the consequences are made known- 
"for the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them,
but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm."

3 Application - I think it's important to note that the Hebrew word used in the Scriptures - translated as 
"simple" has a much deeper meaning - when we see "simple" we think positive good simple life or "simple" in the mind as in someone who has a lower IQ (which is no fault of their own and leaves them innocent from the things which they honestly aren't capable of understanding) No, our God is loving and kind and just- He protects the innocent "simple" in a loving fatherly manner - 

In these scriptures the Hebrew meaning needs to be understood as someone who has no moral compass, falls for anything because they don't care to do better and are inclined to evil. 

Wow! I am convicted right now- also comforted. I've been under attack by someone whom I spent a great deal of time, effort, and finances trying to help. I did it knowing that her character was not good. Now, I don't mean "I go to church - someone else doesn't" or "I am a Christian and this person does things they shouldn't" - I am a vile sinner, and her sin is no greater than mine. Sin is Sin. 

That being said- God does not want me wasting resources of my heart, time, and money which all truly belong to HIM in the first place on someone who fits the Hebrew description of "simple". 
There are so many people out there who are in need and I've just wasted 3 years literally supporting someone who is intent on doing evil to others. I am truly sorry. I must do better with the blessings God gives me. 

This is a very tricky thing- not an easy one. I am not to judge. I don't consider myself worthy of judging. Think of the people who Jesus reached out to and helped. . . . the prostitute- the "sinners" - so obviously,
He doesn't take a worldly view on this subject. 

It doesn't mean that I shouldn't help an addict, or a prostitute- but, that if we pray over it and I mean really cover it in prayer like we are supposed to - I believe He'll give us a better look at what is actually in the heart of the ones we seek to help. He'll guide us to the people HE wants to help USING us!

My read flag was there all along. I was foolish and stubborn - maybe even to pat myself on the back for doing "good" - I didn't think of it that way at the time. (hindsight, RIGHT?) Like I said, I'm a vile sinner. 

I am comforted by His grace. Comforted in knowing that He knows me, and loves me. He may let me pay the consequences for lousy decisions and for not listening to Him when He leads- but, He will walk me through it. His grace is sufficient. 

4 Prayer - "Lord, I pray that you will grant me wisdom. Knowledge to do what is right and good- to
be a better steward of your blessings. God, I'm so grateful for Your love and  grace! I ask for Your
protection in these days and I ask that You will guide me. I thank You and I praise Your holy name knowing that I do not have to fear- I can rest easy in Your loving arms. I can be at ease without fear of harm. Thank you Lord Jesus for Your mercy and grace." 


1 comment:

  1. Well said. I have too often made similar errors. Trying to help with "Christian Charity" without really getting the go ahead from my Father, to whom all "my" resources belong. Ouch. Thanks - always good to be reminded of this truth. God gives wisdom! We must ask, then obey.
