Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 2- It's The Seeking That Counts Most

format for this online journal through Proverbs:

S- Scripture
O- Observation
P- Prayer

1. Scripture- 5Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.
               God is promising us that if we seek to gain His wisdom- He will give it

2.Observation-  He loves us so much He really takes the time to spell everything out for us. Verses 1-4 are telling us to listen up, to hide His Word in our hearts, to care about what He wants for us and ask Him for guidance- that it is available for us. If we want to choose righteousness, He will lead us through it-  

3. Application - So many times the obvious is right in front of me. I need to specifically ask for His wisdom and He says clearly that He'll provide it! Repeatedly throughout scripture I'm reminded of this- "Ask and you shall receive" God loved Solomon so much simply because his main request from the Lord was wisdom- God actually respects it - He rewarded Solomon for it - and here, we are reminded again that it is available to us if we simply ask. 

4. Prayer- Lord, I pray that You will grant me wisdom in my day to day life. So many times I think to ask for wisdom during times of making the big decisions- yet, I need to be applying Your wisdom to my everyday life. This is the way (the only way) I can possibly walk in righteousness- and lead my children on the path of knowledge and understanding. Thank You God for Your faithfulness, Your loving grace, and Your wisdom!

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